Doctor Coster® is the answer to the challenges of modern cost accounting concepts, which are the basis of advanced controlling and management systems.
These challenges originate primarily from the need to provide managers with transparent and reliable information about planned and actual costs and profitability of products, services, product groups, customers and customer segments.
In addition, the detail of today’s controlling systems requires the support of setting multiple objectives and monitoring their performance at all organizational levels within one advanced controlling and management platform.
Design and maintenance of advanced controlling concepts in ERP systems, budgeting tools, business intelligence tools, or MS Excel spreadsheets is very difficult and time consuming due to lack of both interface and ready-made calculation procedures.
Costing concepts and Doctor Coster®
Doctor Coster® is a solution that supports controlling processes with the use of advanced costing concepts such as:
- Resource and Process Consumption Accounting (RPCA)
- Resource Consumption Accounting (RCA)
- Activity Based Costing (ABC)
- Grenzplankostenrechnung (GPK)
- Time Driven ABC
- Lean Accounting (LA)
- Throughput Accounting (TA)
- Standard Costing (SC)
Modern controlling concepts like RPCA / RCA / ABC / GPK need IT solutions that enable effective designing, developing and maintenance, and tools that provide management information tailored to the needs and tasks of employees at all levels of business management.